The authorities said the shipment, hidden in 31 suitcases with false identification tags, was taken off the plane separately from real passengers 'bags and to a warehouse. 有关部门说,这批海洛因藏在31个贴有假身份标签的行李箱中,下飞机时有人将它们从真正的乘客箱包中抬出并送到一个仓库。
Effects of experimental false impression on structural identification in metallographic sample preparation 金相样品制备中的假象对组织鉴别的影响
This review included examining security records targeted at discovering false identification papers& an important check for companies serious about preventing illegal employment of any kind. 这是一项非常严格的检查,以防止公司有任何非法雇用行为。
But the improved small-data method may lead to false identification of chaos. 通过用虚假临界点法计算嵌入维数可以使小数据量法更加完善。
Investigators say the sale of false identification on the Internet is lucrative. 调查者表示因特网上的假证生意是有利可图的。
If you knowingly make a false statement in an application for a driver license or identification card, can you be fined and placed in prison upon conviction? 如果你在申请驾照过程中或身份证明上故意做假,被发现后你是否会被处以罚款或被监禁?
Performing false operations of birth control, using false medical identification or providing false family planning certificates. 实施假节育手术、进行假医学鉴定、出具假计划生育证明的。
This false identification makes you incapable of understanding what anything is for. 这错误的认同使得你无从了解万事万物的目的。
The final identification equations were utilized in the system and the overall tolerance for false identification of cotton or ramie fibers was controlled in an anticipated scope. 通过迭代的自适应识别测试获取识别公式中的权重系数,利用该公式在自动系统中实现纤维的无人工干预识别,并达到了预期的苎麻和棉纤维识别率。
Beguiled by the false identification of the bodily senses of the material nature they become entangled in fruitive activities, one in perfect knowledge should not disturb those unintelligent persons lacking knowledge. 由于被生命自然本能的肉体感官的假象所欺骗,人们在追求利益结果的行为活动中纠缠不清,获得了圆满智慧的人不应该去打扰那些无知无明的人。
Here is money and false identification. 这是钱和伪造的身份证明。
In the third part, the author explains the meaning of false adverting on network, identification principle and its constituents, and clarifies the relationship between ISP and false advertising as well as the corresponding liability. 第三部分,关于网络不实广告,论述了网络不实广告的涵义、判别原则和构成要件,并进一步明确了ISP与网络不实广告的关系以及相应的法律责任。
The HPLC and1HNMR fingerprints could become the identification criterion of the truth or false of Flos lonicera during the quality identification of Flos lonicera. 金银花提取物的HPLC和1HNMR指纹图谱可以作为金银花鉴定的相对标准图谱和数据,作为金银花质量鉴别的依据。
False positives resulted from colony PCR in rapid identification of recombinant clones from phage antibody library 菌落PCR快速分析抗体库重组率时的假阳性现象
This paper reports 1 genera, 2 species, 2 varieties as new records and other 4 species, 1 variety, 2 formas as new geographical distribution to Beijing flora. Also, the paper revises the false identification of a specie which others published before. 该文报道了在喇叭沟门林区发现的北京植物区系中1新记录属、2新记录种、2新记录变种和其它4种、1变种、2变型在北京地区分布的新地点;
A novel method for false location identification based on nonstationary verification 一种基于非平稳性分析的虚假定位点识别方法
False Identification, Cultural Hegemonism and the Lack of Universalism& the Dilemma of Cultural Particularism 错误认同、文化霸权和普遍性匮乏&文化特殊主义的僵局
As the existence of the false negative or false positive results, the identification for introduced exogenous gene requires the primers specific to the target genes. 由于假阴性或假阳性结果的存在,外源基因类型的鉴定需要结合使用针对转入的外源基因的特异性引物。
Through the combination of form and false dynamic characteristics, the rate of false recognition can be reduced effectively, preferable comprehensive identification effect can be achieved. 通过将提取出的签名笔迹形状特征结合伪动态特征进行鉴别,可以有效降低识别错误率,达到较好的综合鉴别效果。
Only when the falsehood of such identification information makes impossible to identify the true holder of such credit card, such identification proof shall be false identification proof. 只有身份信息的虚假足以造成无法识别持卡人的时候,这种身份证明才是虚假的身份证明。没有非法占有目的而使用骗领的信用卡不构成本罪。
Popular fingerprint match algorithms rely on the quality of the image, and extracting minutiae from the bad-quality image will cause many false minutiae to affect fingerprint identification effect. 常用的指纹匹配算法依赖于图像质量的好坏,对于质量较差的指纹图像提取细节点,会产生许多伪细节点,影响了指纹识别的效果。
First, how to identify false investment, including investment in the form of false and false identification of elements of funding. 首先介绍如何认定虚假出资,包括虚假出资的表现形式和虚假出资的认定要件。
The second part is the basic theory of this paper. At beginning, it gives an introduction of the concept and standard of civil liability for false statements, followed by a summary of the identification of civil liability for false statements and functions. 第二部分是本文的基础理论,首先介绍了虚假陈述民事责任的概念及认定标准,其次对虚假陈述民事责任鉴定及其功能进行了概述。
We reduce false positives by improved identification of intrusions. 提高了对入侵行为的识别能力,从而降低了误报。
How to prevent false conclusions and erroneous identification of "junk science" from court to protect the expert conclusion of judicial activities in China to play its due role is legislation and practices of litigation should confront. 如何防止虚假错误的鉴定结论和垃圾科学走入法庭,保障鉴定结论在我国司法活动中发挥应有的作用,是我国诉讼立法和实践都应当直面的问题。
Over the past few years, wireless UHF identification systems ( UHF RFID) technology is being rapidly applied, especially in the supply chain, true and false identification, vehicle tracking, product tracking and other areas of widespread concern. 近几年,无线超高频识别系统(UHFRFID)技术正在被迅速的应用,特别是在供应链、真假识别、车辆跟踪、产品跟踪等领域受到广泛关注。
To reduce false positive rate of peptide identification from tandem mass spectra, thresholds of search engine filters were raised, which in turn leads to high false negative rate and greatly reduces proteomics research efficiency. 在应用二级质谱图鉴定多肽时,为了降低鉴定的假阳性率,通常会提高检索软件的阈值设定,这种行为导致了多肽鉴定的假阴性率的提高,大大降低了蛋白质组研究的效率。
Ritual law in Heaven way and natural law made false identification and comparison of Chinese and Western legal culture will pass. 对天道礼法和自然法的常见误识作了中西法律文化比较和会通;并系统论证了王道合法性。
The influential factors for the first three phases can make the identifiers 'perception and memory false, thus resulting in false identification, but before operating the identification, these factors have already existed and the criminal judicial authorities have no possibility to take control of them. 前三个阶段的影响因素会使辨认人的感知和记忆出现偏差,进而可能导致辨认人作出错误的辨认结论,但是这些影响因素在辨认实施前就已经存在,不是刑事司法机关能够控制的。